Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Legacy 2015-01-03
Bifurcum-2.0.0.zip 2015-01-03 655.6 kB
md5.txt 2015-01-03 53 Bytes
README.txt 2015-01-03 5.0 kB
THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.txt 2015-01-03 26.7 kB
LICENSE.txt 2015-01-03 1.2 kB
Changes.txt 2015-01-03 2.7 kB
Totals: 7 Items   691.2 kB 0
What can you do with this application?
This application is a front-end for Bifurcumlib. Bifurcumlib is a library for graph traversion which implements several algorithms.
Bifurcumlib is arranged in "traversing units". Each traversing unit implements one algorithm.

 1. TraversingUnitOne: A simple but efficient algorithm derived from depth-first search (DFS-) algorithm. It emulates the behaviour of an human being reading a directed graph.
	As a human would do it allows to determine the order to traverse branches. 

 2. TraversingUnitBfs: An implementation of the well-known breadth-first search (BFS-) algorithm used to print a adjacency table human-readable.

For more information about depth-first search algorithm see wikipedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search].

For more information about breadth-first search algorithm see wikipedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search].

This application allows selecting an algorithm, open an input file and saving the result. At this time it allows reading and writing csv files only but more file formats
are easy to add because this application has a plugin-facility for file readers and writers. See "Product Roadmap".

You may visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/bifurcum/ for updates and there is a blog too.

You will find the terms & conditions for use and redistribution of the software in a file named LICENSE.txt.
Licences of software from others included in this software are kept in a file named THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.txt.

Product Roadmap
Version 1.0.1
 1. Distinct between messages to stdout (= no errors) and stderr (= errors only)

Version 1.1

 1. Complete plugin-facility so file reader and writers can be added without building Bifurcum.
Version 1.2

 1. Complete plugin-facility so traversing units can be added without building Bifurcum.

Version ?

 1. Moving classes in de.mgmechanics.bifurcum.guiadd to de.mgmechanics.myflipflops.

Known Problems
 1. The user preferences for the plugins are available as xml files. These files are available only after the program was closed first time. If you miss these files just open Bifurcum and close it.
	The necessary files will be created soon. They're located as:
	CsvReader: ~/.java/.userPrefs/de/mgmechanics/bifurcum/plugins/csvreader/prefs.xml
	CsvWriter: ~/.java/.userPrefs/de/mgmechanics/bifurcum/plugins/csvwriter/prefs.xml

	You're free to edit these files. Each plugin is responsible to provide a GUI so the user may edit the preferences in a safer way, but currently there is not such a GUI.

 2. The File Open dialog raised by this software is part of the operation system. On some operation systems this dialog will raise a message if you try to overwrite a file.
	But I don't know all operation systems. Thus there is a checkbox named "Show own File Overwrite dialog". If you try to save a file which already exists and are asked
	TWICE if you want to overwrite this file you may switch this checkbox off. Now you should be asked only ONCE.

Microsoft® Windows® related

Release notes
Version 1.0.1
 1. Moved class de.mgmechanics.bifurcum.guiadd.file.FileHistory to de.mgmechanics.myflipflops.guiadd.file.FileHistory to use it in the project JDecisiontable.

 2. BUGFIX:  On Microsoft® Windows® the resource files must no longer placed next to (= in the same folder as) the Bifurcum*jar file.
	German umlaut and some other chars will displayed correctly if the resource files which are packed in the jar file are used.

Version 1.0.0
 1. Java version
	These classes were compiled using The JDK 7u45 from Oracle running with Linux Xubuntu 12.10. This application uses JavaFX. 
	I had to use a trick to get JavaFX working with Java 7: After unpacking the JDK I hard-linked the file jre/lib/jfxrt.jar to jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar.
	See http://zenjava.com/javafx/maven/fix-classpath.html -> "What does this actually do?".
	Providing the file jre/lib/jfxrt.jar as classpath using "java -cp <folder there the JDK/JRE was unpacked to>/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar" doesn't work
	neither for the JDK nor for the JRE.
	The typical error message if jre/lib/jfxrt.jar is missing is "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application ...".
	With Java 8 no tricks are needed. JavaFX just works.

 2. Testing
	Q: Why are there no extensive automatic tests as in JDecisiontable?
	A: JDecisiontable has a comprehensive GUI logic. Bifurcum has no logic beside error handling and file open and save.
		For the latter it uses independent classes placed in the package de.mgmechanics.bifurcum.guiadd.
		It's intended to move these classes to de.mgmechanics.myflipflops later when Java 8 is established.
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-01-03