Activity for XMLStarlet command line XML toolkit

  • Gilles Gilles posted a comment on discussion Help

    For others' benefit… After diving into Andrew Watt's "XPath Essentials" from 2002, seasoned with a bit of googling, here's the solution: xml.exe sel -B -t -m "//item" -v "title" -n -v "guid" -n -v "enclosure/@url" -n -n test.xml

  • Gilles Gilles posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I assume it can be done with XmlStarlet but it requires XPath kung-fu way above my head. I need to grab an RSS feed using wget, and then feed it to XmlStarlet to grab a few sibings from each item: wget -qO - |xmlstarlet\xml.exe sel -t <magic here=""></magic> =========== rss/channel/item THIS rss/channel/item/title THIS rss/channel/item/guid rss/channel/item/guid/@isPermaLink rss/channel/item/description rss/channel/item/content:encoded THIS rss/channel/item/pubDate...

  • Thomas Wolff Thomas Wolff modified a comment on ticket #129

    Sorry, I mangled the report. The broken test case is xmlstarlet unesc "&#246;"

  • Thomas Wolff Thomas Wolff modified a comment on ticket #129

    Sorry, I mangled the report. The broken test case is xmlstarlet unesc "ö"

  • Thomas Wolff Thomas Wolff posted a comment on ticket #129

    Sorry, I mangled the report. The broken test case is xmlstarlet unesc "&x246;"

  • Thomas Wolff Thomas Wolff created ticket #129

    unesc ignores locale

  • Yaakov Selkowitz Yaakov Selkowitz posted a comment on ticket #22

    That patch still results in errors when building this on Fedora rawhide. The attach patch fixes all errors and some const warnings.

  • Bernd Kuhls Bernd Kuhls created ticket #22

    Fix build with libxml2-2.12

  • Tomasz K&#322;oczko Tomasz K&#322;oczko posted a comment on ticket #49

    Second one looks lie has been created in 2016 and since then nothing has been done

  • Dagobert Michelsen Dagobert Michelsen posted a comment on ticket #49

    Just seach for xmlstarlet, e.g.

  • Tomasz K&#322;oczko Tomasz K&#322;oczko posted a comment on ticket #49

    OK so where are those forks?

  • Dagobert Michelsen Dagobert Michelsen posted a comment on ticket #49

    Hi Tomasz, there are already some forks of Github. I would say maintenance here is on a fairly low level at the moment. Feel free to fork on Github and proceed with your ideas! Best regards -- Dago

  • Tomasz K&#322;oczko Tomasz K&#322;oczko created ticket #49

    Move git repo to github/gilab or organize live mirror

  • Tomasz K&#322;oczko Tomasz K&#322;oczko posted a comment on ticket #21

    Is it possible to merge this patch?

  • qweasd qweasd modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: <pts <table <rows <row p00="some_id" p01="some_1 value_1" <row p00="some_id_2" p01="some_2 value_2" <rows <table <pts I need to get value from attribute p01. I try this command: xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v "/pts/table/rows/row/@p01" file.xml. And get value i need, but all values split by whitespace like this: "some_1" "value_1" "some_2" "value_2" but i need it like this "some_1 value_1" "some_2 value_2".

  • qweasd qweasd modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: pts table rows row p00="some_id" p01="some_1 value_1" row p00="some_id_2" p01="some_2 value_2" rows table pts I need to get value from attribute p01. I try this command: xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v "/pts/table/rows/row/@p01" file.xml. And get value i need, but all values split by whitespace like this: "some_1" "value_1" "some_2" "value_2" but i need it like this "some_1 value_1" "some_2 value_2".

  • qweasd qweasd modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: pts table rows row p00="some_id" p01="some_1 value_1" row p00="some_id_2" p01="some_2 value_2" rows table pts I need to get value from attribute from attribute p01. I try this command: xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v "/pts/table/rows/row/@p01" file.xml. And get value i need, but all values split by whitespace like this: "some_1" "value_1" "some_2" "value_2" but i need it like this "some_1 value_1" "some_2 value_2".

  • qweasd qweasd modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: pts table rows row p00="some_id" p01="some_1 value_1" row p00="some_id_2" p01="some_2 value_2" rows table pts I need to get value from attribute from attribute p01. I try this command: xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v "/pts/table/rows/row/@p01" file.xml. And get value i need, but all values split by whitespace like this: "some_1" "value_1" "some_2" "value_2" but i need it like this "some_1 value_1" "some_2 value_2".

  • qweasd qweasd modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: <pts> </pts>

  • qweasd qweasd posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I have xml document with structure like this: <pts> </pts>

  • Sebastian Pipping Sebastian Pipping posted a comment on merge request #6

    Thanks for this fix, I have applied it now in Gentoo Linux

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help

    For the xml you posted I would go with xmlstarlet sel --noblanks --text -t -m //item -v title -v description weewx_rss-xx.xml, but the RSS you linked looks a bit different, so it looks like just xmlstarlet sel --noblanks --text -t -v //item weewx_rss.xml would work.

  • jon fear jon fear posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I need to extract a simple line of text from an xml file generated by my weather software. I can then present this as a variable to ffmpeg to introduce a timestamp on a video. I am a total code noob who just does not get most code so please be gentle! The xml is: Snip: <item> <title>Weather Conditions at 11/04/23 18:20:00</title> <link> <description> Outside Temperature: 7.8°C; Barometer: 998.4 hPa; Wind: 6 mph from 142°; Rain Rate: 1.7 mm/h; Garage Temperature: 12.7°C </description>...

  • Andrés Maldonado Andrés Maldonado created merge request #7 on Code

    Fix --comp option

  • Piotr Winiarczyk Piotr Winiarczyk created ticket #128

    Too aggressive RegExp in documentation

  • Khem Raj Khem Raj created merge request #6 on Code

    Fix build with clang16

  • Corporativo Corporativo posted a comment on discussion Help

    The correct sintax to replace in this case is with "-x" instead "-v" to eval expressions. Regards.

  • Corporativo Corporativo modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to concat values in Windows OS and the result is the string without processing, with quote or double quotes. For example: xml.exe edit --inplace -N xmlns="" -u "//xmlns:groupId[starts-with(., '')]" -v "//xmlns:groupId[concat(substring-before(., ''), 'new', substring-after(., ''))]" pom.xml Result: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="

  • Corporativo Corporativo posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to concat values in Windows OS and the result is the string without processing, with quote or double quotes. For example: xml.exe edit --inplace -N xmlns="" -u "//xmlns:groupId[starts-with(., 'org.jacoco')]" -v "//xmlns:groupId[concat(substring-before(., 'org.jacoco'), 'new', substring-after(., 'org.jacoco'))]" pom.xml Result: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="

  • Sridhar Krishnamurthy Sridhar Krishnamurthy modified a comment on ticket #127

    Thank you. it confirms my reasoning too. But the syntactical problem is aggravated if there are just two b elements. In this case the command line looks like xmlstarlet ed -P -S -d '/a/b[1]' -d '/a/b' test.xml | xmlstarlet format -s 4 - which is quite counter intuitive. I respect the designer's decision but would have preferred it otherwise as in the case where the command line is itself generated through scripts.

  • Sridhar Krishnamurthy Sridhar Krishnamurthy posted a comment on ticket #127

    Thank you. i thought so. But the syntactical problem is aggravated if there are just two b elements. In this case the command line looks like xmlstarlet ed -P -S -d '/a/b[1]' -d '/a/b' test.xml | xmlstarlet format -s 4 - which is quite counter intuitive. I respect the designer's decision but would have preferred it otherwise as in the case where the command line is itself generated through scripts.

  • Dagobert Michelsen Dagobert Michelsen posted a comment on ticket #127

    Hi Sridhar, the modifies are processed in order and are especially not applied all-at-once to the originating tree. This means you first delete the first element (10) leaving two elements (20, 30), than you delete the second element from this result (30), so the remained is 20. If you want to delete the first two elements you can do so by xmlstarlet ed -P -S -d '/a/b[1]' -d '/a/b[1]' test.xml | xmlstarlet format -s 4 -

  • Sridhar Krishnamurthy Sridhar Krishnamurthy created ticket #127

    issue when ed -d (delete) is specified multiple times

  • Pieler Pieler posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I can't find the solution and spend hours for looking it. I hope that someone can help me. I have the following XML file from which I want to read the invoice number. The xml file starts with: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"> <CustomizationID xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"></CustomizationID> <ProfileID...

  • Ken Ken modified a comment on ticket #123

    I just ran into this bug. Is there a plan to fix it? Is there a workaround? I'm running xmlstarlet version 1.6.1 compiled against libxml2 2.9.4, linked with 20904 compiled against libxslt 1.1.29, linked with 10129

  • Ken Ken posted a comment on ticket #123

    I just ran into this bug. Is there a plan to fix it? Is there a workaround?

  • gold holk gold holk modified a comment on discussion Developers

    It is good to have namespace for xml, but specify namespace in xpath is troublesome. In xslt 2.0, one can specify default namespace for xpath, but libxml2 does not support xslt 2.0. In xmlstarlet, one can use --doc-namespace, and _ will refer to the default namespace, but it is still troublesome to write every element with prefix. This patch add a --ignore-default-namespace option, which work in xml select and xml edit. This option will remove default namespace in xml tree, so xpath without prefix...

  • gold holk gold holk posted a comment on discussion Developers

    It is good to have namespace for xml, but specify namespace in xpath is troublesome. In xslt 2.0, one can specify default namespace for xpath, but libxml2 does not support xslt 2.0. In xmlstarlet, one can use --doc-namespace and _ will refer to default namespace, but it is still troublesome to write every element with prefix. This patch add a --ignore-default-namespace option, which work in xml select and xml edit. This option will remove default namespace in xml tree, so xpath without prefix can...

  • Ignacio Valdes Ignacio Valdes posted a comment on discussion Help

    Also elements such as for example same desired output: 20210506183519

  • Ignacio Valdes Ignacio Valdes posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi I am trying to extract all the time values from a set of xml files. I am confused at the proper syntax. Can anyone help? Examples of entries with time values are as follows: <effectivetime><low value="20210101000000"><high value="20211231235959"></high></low></effectivetime> The result I want is: 20210506183519 20210101000000 20211231235959 The proper syntax for this is eluding me. I've fumbled around a lot without success such as: xmlstarlet sel -N x="urn:hl7-org:v3" -t -c //x:effectiveTime -v...

  • Gilles Gilles posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I'm only getting started with XPath, know nothing about XSLT, and was wondering if I could use XmlStarlet to perform the following tasks on KML files: If the file contains… 1. A /kml/Document/name, change its value to the filename (eg. myfile.kml); If the element/node doesn't exist, insert one 2. One or more LineString (track) elements, insert a sibling: <style><LineStyle><color>FF0000FF</color><width>6</width></LineStyle></style> 3. One or more Point (waypoints), insert a sibling: <styleurl>#placemark-green</styleurl>...

  • Drey Tee Drey Tee posted a comment on ticket #117

    Totally agree. Usage example from stackoverflow uses xmlstarlet binary name whereas built from source version on my ubuntu has 'xml' name which is a bit frustrating.

  • Oliver Mangold Oliver Mangold posted a comment on discussion Help

    I find that the above sequence will not be handled corrently by the 'unesc' command: echo '"' | xmlstarlet unesc entity name too long: &quot " It looks to me like the length check is one-off. The patch below works for me, but not 100% sure that it doesn't create a buffer overrun. --- src/xml_escape.c.orig 2021-01-09 11:26:11.363863708 +0100 +++ src/xml_escape.c 2021-01-09 11:26:17.678959009 +0100 @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ semicolon_off++; } entity_len = semicolon_off - i; - if (entity_len < MAX_ENTITY_NAME)...

  • Gregory House Gregory House posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello everyone. I need help: I have an XML file with this structure: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE datafile PUBLIC "-//Logiqx//DTD ROM Management Datafile//EN" ""> <datafile> <header> <name>Nintendo - GameCube</name> <description>Nintendo - GameCube - Discs (1866) (2019-01-17 00-50-37)</description> <version>2019-01-17 00-50-37</version> <date>2019-01-17 00-50-37</date> <author></author> <homepage></homepage> <url></url>...

  • Dimiter Naydenov Dimiter Naydenov posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Just a heads-up. The last release (xmlstarlet v1.6.6) I just pushed to works quite nicely. I'm happy to say (after a lot of trial and error) I got the building of binary wheels for Python 3.6+ on Linux, MacOS, and Windows automated. P.S. Building on Windows proved quite challenging, I have to say. I got a MingGW64-based build to work using the master branch's mingw/GNUmakefile as a starting point, modified to use pre-built binaries of libxml2 / libxslt for x86_64...

  • Constantin Mitricuna-Poenaru Constantin Mitricuna-Poenaru posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, we are not able to execute xml starlet commands in our project. We have got the following error: .:/tmp>/usr/bin/xml sel -T -t -v '///MetaData[1]/MessageGroup[1]' datafileexample.xml datafileexample.xml:52: error: xmlSAX2Characters: huge text node: out of memory* According to my research the problem seems to be in the library libxml2. Is there any possibility for xml starlet to cope with this problem? xmllint has a command line parameter that allows it to overcome the limit of 10 MG for XML...

  • waldo kitty waldo kitty posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    given the attached xml file, can xmlstarlet follow the "include=" and also load that/those files to work with?

  • Hugh McMaster Hugh McMaster created ticket #21

    Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to find libxml2 and lib(e)xslt

  • Lajos Vasz Lajos Vasz posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, could anyone help if how is it possible to validate around 200 documents at once against XSD? Thank you in advance

  • Dimiter Naydenov Dimiter Naydenov posted a comment on discussion Developers

    It's working - I have binary wheels published for Linux and MacOSX, as well as the source distribution. It took some time to get all the details right, but I'm happy to report it works as expected.

  • Dimiter Naydenov Dimiter Naydenov posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Hello! Thank you for the great tool! I've been using it a lot for XML processing from Python, as an external tool. Lately I've been looking for a way to use it more efficiently, and managed to get working CFFI-based Python extension that allows direct access to the main functions of all commands from Python. Here's the repository: There seems to be some issues to publish Linux binary wheels on, but locally it works on Linux and Mac OS X at least....

  • Vishal Vishal posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you the solution worked!!

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help


  • Vishal Vishal posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have package.xml as follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <package xmlns=""> <types> <members>HeatMap</members> <name>ApexPage</name> </types> <version>38.0</version> </package> and i am trying to add new members element using the following command xml ed -s "/Package/types[name='ApexPage']" -t elem -n members -v "DreamHouseSampleData" package.xml Expected Result: <package xmlns=""> <types> <members>HeatMap</members>...

  • Jean-Francois Raymond Jean-Francois Raymond modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to modifiy the Value Office2010Blue in this document... so far any command I tried end with no error but still the file is not updated... I need to change the value to Office2010dark but my knowledge in xml is not good enough to understand what I need to do. I fiddled with xml.exe a bit an read a whole bunch of infos but I can't find what i miss... xml ed -L -u "/Root/key[1]/key[2]/ValueKey[1][@Name=ActiveSkin]/@value" -v "Office2010dark" AppRegistry.xml Don't laugh ;) <?xml version="1.0"...

  • Jean-Francois Raymond Jean-Francois Raymond modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to modifiy the Value Office2010Blue in this document... so far any command I tried end with no error but still the file is not updated... I need to change the value of Office2010Light but my knowledge in xml is not good enough to understand what I need to do. I fiddled with xml.exe a bit an read a whole bunch of infos but I can't find what i miss... xml ed -L -u "/Root/key[1]/key[2]/ValueKey[1][@Name=ActiveSkin]/@value" -v "Office2010dark" AppRegistry.xml Don't laugh ;) <?xml version="1.0"...

  • Jean-Francois Raymond Jean-Francois Raymond posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks a million This fixed everything. xml ed -L -u "/Root/Key[1]/Key[2]/ValueKey[1][@Name='ActiveSkin']/@Value" -v "It Worked !!!" AppRegistry.xml

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help

    ... "/Root/key[1]/key[2]/.../@value" ... Node names are case-sensitive, so use Key and Value. ... "/Root/...[@Name=ActiveSkin]..." You want to compare against string value, so use @Name='ActiveSkin'.

  • Jean-Francois Raymond Jean-Francois Raymond modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to modifiy the Value Office2010Blue in this document... so far any command I tried end with no error but still the file is not updated... I need to change the value to Office2010Light but my knowledge in xml is not good enough to understand what I need to do. I fiddled with xml.exe a bit an read a whole bunch of infos but I can't find what i miss... xml ed -L -u "/Root/key[1]/key[2]/ValueKey[1][@Name=ActiveSkin]/@value" -v "Office2010dark" AppRegistry.xml Don't laugh ;) <?xml version="1.0"...

  • Jean-Francois Raymond Jean-Francois Raymond posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm trying to modifiy the Value Office2010Blue in this document... so far any command I tried end with no error but still the file is not updated... I need to change the value to Office2010Light but my knowledge in xml is not good enough to understand what I need to do. I fiddled with xml.exe a bit an read a whole bunch of infos but I can't find what i miss... xml ed -L -u "/Root/key[1]/key[2]/ValueKey[1][@Name=ActiveSkin]/@value" -v "Office2010dark" Conf.xml Don't laugh ;) <?xml version="1.0"...

  • Neophytus Incognito Neophytus Incognito posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Using XMLStarlet 1.6.1, what is the best practice to replace a substring in a value? For instance I'd like to modify an attribute's value:;param2={bar} in order to receive:{bar} (A separate problem might be the "&" char of "&", at least it can be tricky in a cmd environment.) Is there a straightforward method like s/param1=foo&// to apply?

  • Trevor North Trevor North posted a comment on ticket #108

    Seems i hit the same issue and in searching for the fix, came across this old bug report. I tried to use my original sed but seems the comment lost something in translation (at least the ([^ ]) should have a tab in there but still it doesnt work and i cannot remember how it should be. Luckily, i found this alternative below which works so just wanted to update here in case anyone else is looking for this fix. sed -E 's#<([^/ ]+)/>#<\1>#g' filename.xml > filename,new From https://unix.stackexchan...

  • William Crosmun William Crosmun modified a comment on discussion Help

    cat sample.xml <sample> <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE" > <group gid="media_rw" /> <group gid="sdcard_rw" /> </permission> <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> </sample> cat sample.xml | xml ed -s '//permission[@name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"]' -t elem -n 'group gid="sdcard_all"' | xml ed -s '//permission[@name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]' -t elem -n 'group gid="sdcard_r"' | xml ed -s '//permission[@name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]'...

  • William Crosmun William Crosmun modified a comment on discussion Help

    cat sample.xml <sample> <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE" > <group gid="media_rw" /> <group gid="sdcard_rw" /> </permission> <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> </sample> cat sample.xml | xml ed -L -s '//permission[@name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"]' -t elem -n 'group gid="sdcard_all"' | xml ed -L -s '//permission[@name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]' -t elem -n 'group gid="sdcard_r"' | xml ed -L -s '//permission [@name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"]'...

  • William Crosmun William Crosmun modified a comment on discussion Help

  • William Crosmun William Crosmun posted a comment on discussion Help

    cat sample.xml <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"> <group gid="media_rw"> <group gid="sdcard_rw"> </group></group></permission> cat sample.xml | xml ed -L -a '//group[@gid="sdcard_rw"]' -t elem -n 'group gid="sdcard_all"' -v "" <?xml version="1.0"?> <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"> <group gid="media_rw"> <group gid="sdcard_rw"> <group gid="sdcard_all"> </group></group></group></permission>

  • Ernst de Haan Ernst de Haan posted a comment on ticket #125

    Thanks Noam! That works. Would be good to explain that in the help output. I think this ticket can be closed now.

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help

    &apos; being replaced by ' in the output xml. Any ideas why this is occuring Xmlstarlet works by reading in and parsing the XML data into a tree, in parsed form there is no distinction between &apos; and ' . and how I can avoid it from happening? Don't use Xmlstarlet.

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on ticket #125

    Use - to indicate stdin, e.g., cat a.xml | xmlstarlet val --xsd b.xsd --err -

  • Ernst de Haan Ernst de Haan created ticket #126

    xmlstarlet val: Consistent message order

  • Ernst de Haan Ernst de Haan posted a comment on ticket #125

    Workaround I'm using (inside a Dockerfile): mkdir -p /io cat > /io/input.xml xmlstarlet validate --xsd "$1" --err /io/input.xml

  • Ernst de Haan Ernst de Haan created ticket #125

    Allow val to read from stdin

  • Eric Smith Eric Smith modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm running some commands to delete specific nodes, but I've noticed that other lines in my xml files are being affected, specifically I've seen&apos;being replaced by ' in the output xml. Any ideas why this is occuring and how I can avoid it from happening? Thanks. Running this command:xml ed -d "/xml/table/rec[@id='2']" xml/table.xml Input XML value <xml> <table> <rec id="1"> <stringField>a</stringField> </rec> <rec id="2"> <stringField>b</stringField> </rec> <rec id="3"> <stringField>That&apos;s...

  • Eric Smith Eric Smith modified a comment on discussion Help

    I'm running some commands to delete specific nodes, but I've noticed that other lines in my xml files are being affected, specifically I've seen&apos;being replaced by ' in the output xml. Any ideas why this is occuring and how I can avoid it from happening? Thanks. Running this command:xml ed -d "/xml/table/rec[@id='2']" xml/table.xml Input XML value <xml> <table> <rec id="1"> <stringField>a</stringField> </rec> <rec id="2"> <stringField>b</stringField> </rec> <rec id="3"> <stringField>That&apos;s...

  • Eric Smith Eric Smith posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm running some commands to delete specific nodes, but I've noticed that other lines in my xml files are being affected, specifically I've seen&apos;being replaced by ' in the output xml. Any ideas why this is occuring and how I can avoid it from happening? Thanks. Running this command:xml ed -d "/xml/table/rec[@id='2']" xml/table.xml Input XML value <xml> <table> <rec id="1"> <numField>123</numField> <stringField>String Value</stringField> </rec> <rec id="2"> <numField>346</numField> <stringField>Text...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    The 1.6.1 release of the snap is now published to the stable channel, here's the updated install instructions: sudo snap install xmlstarlet I will file a merge request to upstream the packaging in the near future.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    The snap is now published to the beta channel, here's the updated install instructions: # Install the snap package # sudo snap install --channel=beta xmlstarlet # Connect the snap to optional security confinement interfaces # ## For accessing files under `/mnt` or `/media` ## sudo snap connect xmlstarlet:removable-media # Launch the application # xmlstarlet snap run xmlstarlet # If you have another existing installation xmlstarlet.xml # You can also run `xml` directly after running `sudo snap alias...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    The 1.6.1 release of the snap is now published to the stable risk level, here's the updated install instructions: sudo snap install xmlstarlet I will file a merge request to upstream the packaging in the near future.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) created merge request #5

    Implement snap packaging

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) posted a comment on discussion Developers

    The 1.6.1 release of the snap is now published to the stable risk level, here's the updated install instructions: sudo snap install xmlstarlet I will file a merge request to upstream the packaging in the near future.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    Dear maintainer(s), Snaps are universal Linux packages that can be installed and run on many GNU+Linux distributions with ease. I've been following the Snapcrafters instructions and have built a working snap on the Snap Store, you may try it by running the following commands after installing snapd: # Install the snap package # sudo snap install xmlstarlet # Connect the snap to optional security confinement interfaces # ## For accessing files under `/mnt` or `/media` ## sudo snap connect xmlstarlet:removable-media...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    Dear maintainer(s), Snaps are universal Linux packages that can be installed and run on many GNU+Linux distributions with ease. I've been following the Snapcrafters instructions and have built a working snap on the Snap Store, you may try it by running the following commands after installing snapd: # snap install --channel=beta xmlstarlet I'm also looking forward to working with you to make the packaging work upstream (if you're interested). You may want to check out the current packaging recipe,...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) modified a comment on discussion Developers

    The snap is now published to the beta risk level, here's the updated install instructions: # Install the snap package # sudo snap install --channel=beta xmlstarlet # Connect the snap to optional security confinement interfaces # ## For accessing files under `/mnt` or `/media` ## sudo snap connect xmlstarlet:removable-media # Launch the application # xmlstarlet snap run xmlstarlet # If you have another existing installation xmlstarlet.xml # You can also run `xml` directly after running `sudo snap...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) posted a comment on discussion Developers

    The snap is now published to the beta risk level, here's the updated install instructions: # Install the snap package # sudo snap install --channel=beta xmlstarlet #sudo snap install xmlstarlet # Connect the snap to optional security confinement interfaces # ## For accessing files under `/mnt` or `/media` ## sudo snap connect xmlstarlet:removable-media # Launch the application # xmlstarlet snap run xmlstarlet # If you have another existing installation xmlstarlet.xml # You can also run `xml` directly...

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Dear maintainer(s), Snaps are universal Linux packages that can be installed and run on many GNU+Linux distributions with ease. I've been following the Snapcrafters instructions and have built a working snap on the Snap Store, you may try it by running the following commands after installing snapd: # snap install --channel=edge --devmode xmlstarlet I'm also looking forward to working with you to make the packaging work upstream (if you're interested). You may want to check out the current packaging...

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help

    Ah, yes, that would explain why it's missing. In this case the way to go is to try to find a fix for the "impossible" one in libxslt... Another possibility (at least theoretically) would be to rewrite the xml ed subcommand to use XSLT. But that's quite a lot of work.

  • Zoltan Kovacs Zoltan Kovacs posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks, Noam, for the detailed answer! It seems to me that there is indeed XSLT support for str:replace but the XPath support was removed 5 years ago because of a bug which seemed "impossible" to fix: . Please can you confirm that this makes my code not possible to work at the moment? In this case the way to go is to try to find a fix for the "impossible" one in libxslt...

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on discussion Help

    The EXSLT functions come from libxslt. The str:* functions are included: libxslt does define str:replace so it should work: Perhaps your version of libxslt is too old?

  • Zoltan Kovacs Zoltan Kovacs posted a comment on discussion Help

    I would like to do something like this: xmlstarlet ed -u "/my/xpath[@entry]/@entry -x "str:replace(.,\"from\",\"to\")" But str:replace is not implemented in xmlstarlet. Unfortunately I am unsure which exslt commands are implemented, I found no information on how I get a complete list of the supported functions. I am also interested in improving the code to make this easily possible. Where to start? Thanks!

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky modified ticket #120

    Various hangs and infinite loops found with AFL

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky modified ticket #124

    XMLStarlet failed to properly `format` certain SVG image

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on ticket #124

    Okay, sounds like it's working as intended, closing the bug.

  • Noam Postavsky Noam Postavsky posted a comment on ticket #123

    I think this is a bug in xmlstarlet, not libxml. Specifically, these lines in xml_select.c:do_file() before the xmlReadFile call: value = xmlStrdup((const xmlChar *)"'"); value = xmlStrcat(value, (const xmlChar *)filename); value = xmlStrcat(value, (const xmlChar *)"'"); Obviously, just putting single quotes around a value which itself contains single quotes is not proper quoting.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) posted a comment on ticket #124

    People at libxml2 informed me that this is due to the xml:space="preserve" attribute in the SVG file, after removing the attribute xmlstarlet works as expected.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) posted a comment on ticket #124

    The output of xmllint --format also seems to be broken as well, so it might be a libxml issue.

  • 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) created ticket #124

    XMLStarlet failed to properly `format` certain SVG image

  • Mors Els Mors Els posted a comment on ticket #123

    @dmichelsen, @mgrouch, @npostavs: I noticed LibXml2 has a similar bug: Given the similarities, do you suggest that this bug should be resolved in LibXml2 rather than here?

  • Mors Els Mors Els modified a comment on ticket #123

    Addtional observations: - LibXml2 internally calls stat() in an attempt to obtain information about the file (see method libxml2::xmlIO.c::xmlCheckFilename). - LibXml2 does attempt to sanitize the pathname, but only to an extent to determine if it is a valid network path or not, and to clean URI encoding problems (see method libxml2::uri.c::xmlURIUnescapeString) Analysis: - LibXml2 does not handle name encoding problems. This shows up in passing filenames with escaped quotes. File names such as "foo\'s.nfo"...

  • Mors Els Mors Els modified a comment on ticket #123

    Addtional observations: - LibXml2 internally calls stat() in an attempt to obtain information about the file (see method libxml2::xmlIO.c::xmlCheckFilename). - LibXml2 does attempt to sanitize the pathname, but only to an extent to determine if it is a valid network path or not, and to clean URI encoding problems (see method libxml2::uri.c::xmlURIUnescapeString) Analysis: - LibXml2 does not handle name encoding problems. This shows up in passing filenames with escaped quotes. File names such as "foo\'s.nfo"...

  • Mors Els Mors Els modified a comment on ticket #123

    Addtional observations: - LibXml2 internally calls stat() in an attempt to obtain information about the file (see method libxml2::xmlIO.c::xmlCheckFilename). - LibXml2 does attempt to sanitize the pathname, but only to an extent to determine if it is a valid network path or not, and to clean URI encoding problems (see method libxml2::uri.c::xmlURIUnescapeString) Analysis: - LibXml2 does not handle name encoding problems. This shows up in passing filenames with escaped quotes. File names such as "foo\\'s.nfo"...

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