Klaus - 2014-08-27

I installed the Synedit control version V2.0.8 on my W8.1 Personal, into a Delphi 6 Personal Edition. This works fine, non problem.

Now, I want to use the SynHighlighterGeneral.pas modul to create a dedicated highlighter for a freeware Basic clone. I want to to this within a DLL, creating the Synedit control with its highlighter dynamically, at runtime, and inject it into tha calling program's form.

I duplicated the General modul to another file name, added my modifications, and it worked. At least for keyword and string recognition and highlighting.

Now, I want to add comment recognition and highlighting. But the provides comment formats do not correspond to the specific comment formats of the concerned language. So, I tried to addd my own comment definition, but I am stuck within the highlighter source, at the following point:

TCommentStyle = (csAnsiStyle, csPasStyle, csCStyle, csAsmStyle, csBasStyle,
TCommentStyles = set of TCommentStyle;

I have to add another csXxxStyle constant, but where ? I couldn't find the place where these constants are defined. Can you help me ?

Or, other solution, is there a way to define start and end sequences for comments, similar to the way defining sring delimiters ?