
Released myflipflops 3.1.1

  1. I found out that reading resource file from inside of a JAR file was implemented in a confusing way and made trouble in production. So I deprecated this method and replaced it by a clean implementation. Now you can provide to path to the resource file as everyone does i.e. "/path/to/my/resource" (with the JAR file being "/").

  2. This affected TextResource too, so I added a new method which uses the new way to read resources while the existing method is deprecated.

  3. Added a method which allows you to get a picture of any Swing GUI component. I use it in JDecisiontable 2.3.1 to make screenshots without the window title bar.

By the way, myflipflops 3.1.0 is really used in production code to compute md5 checksums! My employer encourages to use OpenSource - why programing it twice?!

Posted by Michael Groß 2016-03-06

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