
Can not get services to work with unreal

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've been working on getting it to connect and reading posts here has helped a lot, but I am still having difficulties.

    What I receive is this:
    20 Jul 2004 16:44:16.218 | INFO     | Connecting to server []:9966 ...
    20 Jul 2004 16:44:16.250 | INFO     | Connection established and authenticated to server []:9966.
    20 Jul 2004 16:44:17.265 | NOTICE   | SERVER MESSAGE (ERROR): Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
    20 Jul 2004 16:44:17.281 | NOTICE   | SERVER MESSAGE (ERROR): Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]

    I have set Magick.ini up to use:
    REMOTE_1        =|9966|mYSecret|1|1

    And in unrealircd.conf I have:
        username    *;
        bind-ip     *;
        port         9966;
        hub             *;
        password-connect "mYSecret";
        password-receive "mYSecret";
        class           servers;

    What else needs to be set?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      (I didn't show my entire configurations to save space, there are ofcourse other settings I have changed too)

    • Solutech

      Solutech - 2004-07-20

      username *;
      hostname *;
      bind-ip *;
      port 9966;
      hub *;
      password-connect "mYSecret";
      password-receive "mYSecret";
      class servers;

      Try that . Also check your magick ini for the protocol line and make sure its commented to use unreal . Make sure the unreal.conf has a listen block set to 9966 as well .

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi, yes I have the listen block set up correctly. (other whise the 20 Jul 2004 16:44:16.250 | INFO | Connection established and authenticated to server []:9966. wouldn't have worked)

      I'll try changing hostname to * but wouldn't that make unreal accept connection fom anywhere on port 9966? Since Magick is running on the same computer I was trying to make it only allow connections from the localhost.

      • Solutech

        Solutech - 2004-07-20

        yes it will do but unless someone there is a valid link block for it it shouldnt be a problem . Alternatively use the actual ip of the machine rather than the localhost . Some routers and firewalls can intefere with the loopback address.

        My link block is set to the ip of the machine . But that is because I dont run services off my server I run it off a different machine. Using the ip may work better . The link is establishing but cuts off as the link block is invalid .

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I will try this once I get back to the machine. Thank you

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ok, this will still not work. :( If anyone can asssit me I'd be one happy guy!

      Right now Magick.log says:
      21 Jul 2004 09:46:49.718 | WARNING  | Received NOTICE from for non-existent user AUTH.
      21 Jul 2004 09:46:49.906 | WARNING  | Service GlobalMSG has been killed by, attempting to respawn.
      21 Jul 2004 09:46:49.937 | WARNING  | Service ChanServ has been killed by, attempting to respawn.

      What I'm trying to do is to set up unreal and magic on the same computer as securely as possible. There will be no links to other servers/machines since this will be for use for a load of no more than 30 simultanious connections at any time.

      I will also have unreal set up to use SSL but to begins with I'll suffice with getting it to work with regular connection and I'll add the ssl part later on.

      I'm pasting the relevant parts of my magick.ini along with my unrealirc.conf and hope someone will have time to look at them and help me out.


      SERVER_DESC     =LS Services
      SERVICES_USER   =services
      OWNUSER         =FALSE
      SETMODE         =
      BIND            =
      REMOTE_1        =|9966|mYSecret|1|1

      LEVEL           =1
      MAX_LEVEL       =5
      LAGTIME         =15s
      STOP            =FALSE

      NickServ        =NickServ
      NickServ_Name   =Nickname Service
      Enforcer_Name   =Nickname Enforcer
      ChanServ        =ChanServ
      ChanServ_Name   =Channel Service
      MemoServ        =MemoServ
      MemoServ_Name   =Memo/News Service
      OperServ        =OperServ Magick-1
      OperServ_Name   =Operator Service
      CommServ        =CommServ
      CommServ_Name   =Committee Service
      ServMsg         =GlobalMSG HelpServ DevNull
      ServMsg_Name    =Magick <--> User
      SHOWSYNC        =TRUE
      QUIT_MESSAGE    =Goodbye cruel world ...


      UMASK           = 027
      PROTOCOL        =ircd/ircd.rfc1459.ini
      ;PIDFILE         =/var/run/
      ;LOGFILE         =/var/log/magick.log
      LOGFILE         =magick.log
      VERBOSE         =FALSE
      LOGCHAN         =
      ;MOTDFILE        =/usr/local/share/magick/magick.motd
      MOTDFILE        =magick.motd
      ;LANGDIR         =/usr/local/share/magick/lang
      LANGDIR         =lang
      ;DATABASE        =/usr/local/share/magick/magick.mnd
      DATABASE        =magick.mnd
      COMPRESSION     =6
      ;KEYFILE         =/usr/local/share/magick/magick.key
      KEYFILE         =magick.key
      ;PICTURE         =/usr/local/share/magick/files/pic
      ;MEMOATTACH      =/usr/local/share/magick/files/memo
      ;PUBLIC          =/usr/local/share/magick/files/public
      ;TEMPDIR         =/usr/local/share/magick/files/temp
      PICTURE         =files/pic
      MEMOATTACH      =files/memo
      PUBLIC          =files/public
      TEMPDIR         =files/temp
      PICTURE_SIZE    =0
      PUBLIC_SIZE     =0
      TEMPDIR_SIZE    =0
      BLOCKSIZE       =1k
      TIMEOUT         =2m
      MIN_SPEED       =0
      MAX_SPEED       =0
      SAMPLETIME      =30s

      SERVER_RELINK   =5s
      SQUIT_PROTECT   =2m
      SQUIT_CANCEL    =10s
      CYCLETIME       =15m
      SAVETIME        =5m
      CHECKTIME       =15s
      PING_FREQUENCY  =30s
      STARTHRESH      =4
      LISTSIZE        =50
      MAXLIST         =250
      MIN_THREADS     =3
      MAX_THREADS     =25
      LOW_WATER_MARK  =50
      MSG_SEEN_TIME   =30s
      MSG_CHECK_TIME  =1m

      loadmodule "modules/commands.dll";
      loadmodule "modules/cloak.dll";

      include "help.conf";
      include "";
      include "badwords.message.conf";
      include "badwords.quit.conf";
      include "spamfilter.conf";

          name "";
          info "Somewhere Server";
          numeric 1;

      admin {

      class           clients
          pingfreq 90;
          maxclients 500;
          sendq 100000;
          recvq 8000;

      class           servers
          pingfreq 90;
          maxclients 10;        /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
          sendq 1000000;
          connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */

      allow {
          ip             *@*;
          hostname       *@*;
          class           clients;
          maxperip 5;

      /* Passworded allow line */
      allow {
          ip             *@;
          hostname       *@*.passworded.ugly.people;
          class           clients;
          password "f00Ness";
          maxperip 1;

      allow           channel {
          channel "#WarezSucks";

      oper MyOp {
          class           clients;
          from {
          password "f00";

      listen         *:6697

      listen           *:6667; // Clients
      listen         *:9966; // Services

          username    *;
          bind-ip     *;
          port         9966;
          hub             *;
          password-connect "mysecret";
          password-receive "mysecret";
          class           servers;
      options {
                  /* Note: You should not use autoconnect when linking
                   * services

      ulines {


      drpass {
          restart "I-love-to-restart";
          die "die-you-stupid";

      log "ircd.log" {
          /* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the
             same log */
          maxsize 2097152;
          flags {

      * NEW: alias {}
      * OLD: N/A
      * This allows you to set command aliases such as /nickserv, /chanserv etc
      * FLAGS: services, stats, normal
      * Syntax:
      * alias "name" {
      *    nick "points to";
      *    type aliastype;
      * };
      * [NOTE: You could also include a pre-defined alias file here, see doc/unreal32docs.html section 2.9]

      alias NickServ {
          nick "NickServ";
          type services;

      //alias ChanServ { type services; };

      //alias StatServ { type stats; };

      //alias SuperBot { type normal; };

      /* Standard aliases */
      alias NickServ { type services; };
      alias ChanServ { type services; };
      alias OperServ { type services; };
      alias HelpServ { type services; };
      alias StatServ { type stats; };

      alias "identify" {
          format "^#" {
              nick "chanserv";
              type services;
              parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
          format "^[^#]" {
              nick "nickserv";
              type services;
              parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
          type command;

      /* Standard aliases */
      alias "services" {
          format "^#" {
              nick "chanserv";
              type services;
              parameters "%1-";
          format "^[^#]" {
              nick "nickserv";
              type services;
              parameters "%1-";
          type command;

      alias "identify" {
          format "^#" {
              nick "chanserv";
              type services;
              parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
          format "^[^#]" {
              nick "nickserv";
              type services;
              parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
          type command;

      /* MHQ
      tld {
          mask *@*.fr;
          motd "";
          rules "";

      ban nick {
          mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*";
          mask "*N*i*c*k*S*e*r*v*";
          reason "Reserved for Services";

      /* MHQ
      ban ip {
          reason "Delinked server";

      /* MHQ
      ban server {
          reason "Get out of here.";

      /* MHQ
      ban user {
          mask *tirc@*;
              reason "Idiot";

      ban realname {
          mask "Myname";
          reason "Server Admin";

      // MHQ
      ban realname {
          mask "Myothername";
          reason "Server Admin";

      except ban {


      deny dcc {
          filename "*sub7*";
          reason "Possible Sub7 Virus";

      deny channel {
          channel "*warez*";
          reason "Warez is illegal";

      vhost {
          vhost ;
          from {
              userhost       *@*;
          login           stskeeps;
          password        moocowsrulemyworld;

      /* Network configuration */
      set {
          network-name         "somewhere";
          default-server         "";
          services-server     "";
          stats-server         "";
          help-channel         "#lounge";
          hiddenhost-prefix    "Somwhere";

          cloak-keys {
              "...edited out...";
              "...edited out...";
              "...edited out...";
          /* on-oper host */
          hosts {
              local        "";
              global        "";
              coadmin        "";
              admin        "";
              servicesadmin     "";
              netadmin     "";
              host-on-oper-up "no";

      /* Server specific configuration */

      set {
          kline-address "";
      // MHQ    modes-on-connect "+ixw";
          modes-on-connect "+iw";
          modes-on-oper     "+xwgs";
          oper-auto-join "#opers";
          dns {
              timeout 2s;
              retries 2;
          options {
              /* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
              /* identd-check; */

          maxchannelsperuser 15;
          anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
          oper-only-stats "okfGsMRUEelLCXzdD";

          throttle {
              connections 20;
              period 60s;

          anti-flood {
              nick-flood 3:60;    /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds (the default) */

          spamfilter {
              ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by spamfilter */
              ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; /* default reason */
              virus-help-channel "#lounge"; /* channel to use for 'viruschan' action */
              /* except "#lounge"; channel to exempt from filtering */

      • Solutech

        Solutech - 2004-07-21

        PROTOCOL =ircd/ircd.rfc1459.ini

        change to unreal

        PROTOCOL =ircd/ircd.unreal.ini

        At the moment its not 100% compatible changing the above will make it work properly

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i have exactly the same problem.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      that last comment doens't change anything in this whole problem. :x

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i have been setting up Unreal and Magick on the same box and i was having the same problem. My configuration looked almost exactly like yours.

      i was getting really frustrated, so as a last ditch attempt i configured my router to forward the services TCP port back to the box and it worked. I also monitored my software firewall to make sure it wasn't killing my services packets.

      Also, I was using my DHCP address ( in my configs and not localhost (

      Hope that helps.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The link name in your unrealircd.conf must match the server name in magick.ini

      Also, you need to change your remote line in magick.ini to have a unique numeric (last number in the line).  It can not match the numeric of your IRC server (or any other server/service on your IRC network)

      REMOTE_1 =|9966|mYSecret|1|2


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