JayRayK - 2016-06-28

Hello! I recently discovered Launchy and have been very satisfied with it. Nothing to say about it.
There's just one catch, this website : http://bit.ly/29lj7im
That I won't mention because google is a fast learner and I want to keep watching videos without
google knowing about it. The video is displayed, the link is available through "View-Source"
When I right click on the video, launchy says there's nothing to do... I can use the link itself but it
results in a defaulted 360P. The video stream link changes when I choose another resolution through the player itself. It shows when you right click on the player itself and do "Copy Video Address"
but launchy does not recognize.

Here's a sample : http://bit.ly/291XVyl

So to resume, If I use the link itself and not the player's link, it defaults to 360P but if I use the player itself,
change the resolution to 720P and refresh, the player itself has now a default stream of 720P (Cookie)
and the link itself still defaults to 360P. I hope you understand me when you say "The link itself" and "The Player Itself" or else I can try to make myself clearer.

I'm sorry if I can't mention the name of the website but I love so much watching movies that way that I don't want google or any other crawler to know about it to then the owner of the website knows about it and finds a way to stop me.

Thank you very much for your extension, it makes a lot of things easier.

I can also confirm Launchy works on PaleMoon 24 + ARM computer.

I forgot to mention, I also tried having the "View-Source" page in a tab so launchy can detect links.
It detects the right link but it has "View-Source" in the link name resulting in the video not playing.


Last edit: JayRayK 2016-06-28