
#541 FTP Plugin fails on OS/390

Bill Fyfe

Unable to use FTP Plugin with OS/390.

The connection fails after FTP tries to CWD
to /"FYFEB."/. OS/390 (MVS) doesn't require the /
characters. Have attached the FTP activity log.

Note: The working directory has already been
established (see PWD).


  • Bill Fyfe

    Bill Fyfe - 2006-01-27

    FTP Activity Log

  • jklein

    jklein - 2007-05-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The plugin does not go to the directory I intended.
    There is a null pointer exception.

    [debug] FtpConnection: Discarding crw-rw-rw- 1 OMVSKERN 0 1, 0 May 18 13:15 ptyp0000
    [notice] FtpConnection: lineToDirectoryEntry(crw-rw-rw- 1 OMVSKERN 0 1, 1 May 11 2006 ptyp0001) failed:
    [notice] FtpConnection: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [notice] FtpConnection: at ftp.FtpConnection.lineToDirectoryEntry(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at ftp.FtpConnection.getDirectoryEntry(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at ftp.FtpVFS._getFile(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at ftp.FtpVFS.resolveSymlink(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at ftp.FtpVFS._listFiles(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.BrowserIORequest.listDirectory(
    [notice] FtpConnection: at
    [notice] FtpConnection: at org.gjt.sp.util.WorkThread.doRequest(

  • Manfred Usselmann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Yes, it would be really nice if the ftp plugin would support the mainframe ftp server (MVS, OS/390, Z/OS). Unfortunately AFAIK the directory listings are completely different so it requires some work to support it. Until this is the case I use Filezilla 3 which runs under Windows and Linux and supports the MVS ftp server.

  • Manfred Usselmann

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Yes, it would be really nice if the ftp plugin would support the mainframe ftp server (MVS, OS/390, Z/OS). Unfortunately AFAIK the directory listings are completely different so it requires some work to support it. Until this is the case I use Filezilla 3 which runs under Windows and Linux and supports the MVS ftp server.

  • Alan Ezust

    Alan Ezust - 2014-04-19

    Speaking as the maintainer for FTP plugin, I don't plan to fix this because I don't use the FTP protocol often enough for it to be worth my time. (I only use SFTP). However, if someone else wants to submit a patch, I can accept it, but I can't test it unless the submitter gives me a server/account to test it on.


    Last edit: Alan Ezust 2014-04-19

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