
HTML.Template java package / News: Recent posts

0.1.1 out

And it has requested features in it. Notably, global_vars, the default attribute for TMPL_VARs and the __COUNTER__ loop context variable.

See the changelog for more details.

Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-09-13

0.0.9 is out

Well, version 0.0.9 is out, and the project's finally got a user base. Cool.

Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-07-01

Not dead

Ok, there hasn't been any activity for quite some time, but the project isn't dead. I'm just really busy right now. Most of my current work includes using HTML.Template, so there's a lot of testing going on. I've also received some feedback, and many suggestions will be implemented soon.


Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-06-28

Next version

It seems like the next version will be 0.0.8. It was going to be 0.0.4,
with just a few minor changes, but I had a Monday off, and managed to
throw in loads of features plus a new Parser for the templates. We're
very close to getting to version 0.1.0.

Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-03-27

More user docs

The site now has user docs in the form of a howto for HTML.Template

Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-03-14

Documentation Exists

Class documentation for HTML/ now exists in javadoc format. make doc to create it. It will be stored in the doc subdirectory.

Posted by Philip S Tellis 2002-03-13