

Vidhya Kannan

Seagull is a multi-protocol traffic generator. Especially targeted towards IMS, Seagull supports Diameter (RFC3588 and all applications) over TCP/SCTP and IPv4/IPv6 , TCAP (over SS7 or Sigtran), XCAP over HTTP and Radius.

Screenshot thumbnail
Seagull with H248 traffic
Screenshot thumbnail
Seagull's main screen
Screenshot thumbnail
Seagull stability - more than 100 million calls

Project Members:


  • Sachith Muhandiram


    I am trying to run a seagull server for handling multiple messages. (DWR/DWA and SLR/SLA).
    But my seagull server captures only the first defined message only.

    my server.xml

    <receive channel="channel-1">
        <command name="CER">
        <store name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"></store>
          <store name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"></store>
       <!-- <store name="ven" entity="Vendor-Id"> </store>-->
      <send channel="channel-1">
          <restore name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"> </restore>
          <restore name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"> </restore>
    <!--      <restore name="ven" entity="Vendor-Id"> </restore> -->
        <command name="CEA">
          <avp name="Result-Code" value="2001"> </avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Host" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Realm" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Host-IP-Address" value="0x00010f80aa3c"> </avp> <!-- 0x00010f80aa3c -->
          <avp name="Vendor-Id" value="10415"> </avp>
          <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" value="16777302"></avp>
         <avp name="Vendor-Specific-Application-Id">
            <avp name="Vendor-Id" value="10415"></avp>
            <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" value="16777302"></avp>
          <avp name="Product-Name" value="HP_HSS"> </avp>
          <avp name="Firmware-Revision" value="1"> </avp>    
    <!-- DWR/DWA -->
    <!--<traffic> -->
     <receive channel="channel-1">
        <command name="DWR">
          <avp name="Session-Id" value="dont_care"> </avp>
          <store name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"></store>
          <store name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"></store>
      <send channel="channel-1">
          <restore name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"> </restore>
          <restore name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"> </restore>
        <command name="DWA">
            <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" value="16777302"></avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Host" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Realm" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Result-Code" value="2001"> </avp>
    <!-- end of DWR/DWA -->
      <receive channel="channel-1">
        <command name="SLR">
          <!-- Only need to specify what needs to be parsed -->
         <avp name="Session-Id" value="dont_care"> </avp>
        <!-- Store action is at the end of the command -->
          <store name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"></store>
          <store name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"></store>
          <store name="sid" entity="Session-Id"></store>
      <send channel="channel-1">
        <!-- Restore action is before the command -->
          <restore name="HbH" entity="HbH-id"> </restore>
          <restore name="E2E" entity="EtE-id"> </restore>
          <restore name="sid" entity="Session-Id"> </restore>
        <!-- Warning: content of CCA to check -->
        <command name="SLA">
          <avp name="Session-Id" value="will_be_erased"> </avp>
            <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" value="16777302"></avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Host" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Origin-Realm" value=""> </avp>
          <avp name="Result-Code" value="2001"> </avp>
  • Rajkumar Viswanathan

    Post awaiting moderation.

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