
Boost.Log / News: Recent posts

Boost.Log v2.0 released

Boost.Log v2.0 has been released, the source code can be downloaded in the Files section.

This version is the result of a long process of the library update for inclusion to Boost. At this point the library has been merged to Boost trunk and will likely to be released in Boost 1.54 or 1.55. After inclusion the main site of development will move to Boost.

The SourceForge project will stay available for some time so you can still provide your feedback through forums and read online documentation. But the SourceForge project will not receive any updates or new releases, and in the long term it will eventually be closed. For feedback you can also use Boost mailing lists and Trac.

Posted by Andrey Semashev 2013-04-13

Repository changes

The project source code has moved to SVN repository. CVS repository is no longer available, please do a fresh SVN checkout in order to update to the latest library code.

Posted by Andrey Semashev 2009-08-29